Package-level declarations


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Presenter class for the entity.surgeryreport.medicaldevice.ImplantableMedicalDevice class. It returns: the id of the implantable medical device and the type

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data class MedicalTechnologyApiDto(val id: String, val name: String, val description: String? = null, val type: MedicalTechnologyApiDtoType, val inUse: Boolean = false)

Presenter class for the entity.surgeryreport.medicaldevice.MedicalTechnology class. It returns: the id, the name, the description, the type of the medical technology and moreover if it is inUse.

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Presenter enum to handle medical technology type.

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data class MedicalTechnologyUsageApiDto(val dateTime: String, val medicalTechnology: MedicalTechnologyApiDto)

Presenter class that represent the usage of a medicalTechnology in a specific dateTime.