Package-level declarations
It represents the presentation of a The necessary information are: the surgicalProcessID, the surgeryDate, the surgicalProcessDescription, the inChargeHealthProfessionalID, the patientID, the roomsInvolved, the healthcareUser, the stepData, the consumedImplantableMedicalDevice, the medicalTechnologyUsageData, the healthProfessionalTrackingInformation and the additionalData.
It represents the presentation of a single entry. The necessary information are the surgicalProcessID, the patientId, the patientName, the patientSurname, the surgicalProcessDescription and the surgeryDate.
Class that model the principal information of a surgery report in the surgery report archive.
The Dto for surgery report integration.
Presenter class for the It represents its startDateTime, stopDateTime, patientVitalSignAggregateData and environmentalAggregateData.
Extension function to convert a SurgeryReportEntryDto into a SurgeryReportEntry.
Extension function to convert a SurgeryReportEntry into a SurgeryReportEntryDto.
Extension function used to convert SurgeryReportIntegrationDto to SurgeryReportIntegration.
Extension function used to convert SurgeryReportIntegration to SurgeryReportIntegrationDto.