Package artifact.environment.roomartifact

package artifact.environment.roomartifact
  • Class
    Abstract class that represent the base class for a CArtAgO boundary artifacts for an actuator placed inside a Room within the Operating Block.
    CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with an ambient light inside a room of the Operating Block.
    CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with the hvac system of the operating block respect to the cooling part.
    Interface that models a dimmable artifact, that is an artifacts that offers method to set the intensity of it.
    CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with the hvac system of the operating block respect to the heating part.
    CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with a surgical light inside an operating room of the Operating Block.
    Interface that models a switchable artifact, that is an artifacts that offers method to turn it on and off.
    CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with the hvac system of the operating block respect to the ventilation part.