Class WotInvoker

All Implemented Interfaces:
DimmableInvoker, SwitchableInvoker

public class WotInvoker extends Object implements SwitchableInvoker, DimmableInvoker
Web of Thing Invoker in order to be able to communicate with things and invoke actions.
  • Constructor Details

    • WotInvoker

      public WotInvoker()
  • Method Details

    • setIntensity

      public final void setIntensity(ActuatorID actuatorID, int intensity)
      Description copied from interface: DimmableInvoker
      Set the intensity of the actuator.
      Specified by:
      setIntensity in interface DimmableInvoker
      actuatorID - the id of the actuator.
      intensity - the intensity to set in the actuator.
    • turnOn

      public final void turnOn(ActuatorID actuatorID)
      Description copied from interface: SwitchableInvoker
      Turn the actuator on.
      Specified by:
      turnOn in interface SwitchableInvoker
      actuatorID - the id of the actuator.
    • turnOff

      public final void turnOff(ActuatorID actuatorID)
      Description copied from interface: SwitchableInvoker
      Turn the actuator off.
      Specified by:
      turnOff in interface SwitchableInvoker
      actuatorID - the id of the actuator.