Package-level declarations


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interface Event<out E>

Interface that models a generic event with no additional fields but only with a key, a payload data of type E and the dateTime of the event itself.

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data class MedicalTechnologyEvent(val key: String, val data: MedicalTechnologyUsagePayload, val dateTime: String) : Event<MedicalTechnologyUsagePayload>

Medical Technology update event.

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Module that wraps the possible keys for a MedicalTechnologyEvent.

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data class MedicalTechnologyUsagePayload(val medicalTechnologyID: String, val inUse: Boolean)

MedicalTechnologyEvent payload that refers to the usage described by the inUse property of a medical technology identified by its medicalTechnologyID.

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data class RoomEvent<E : RoomEventPayload>(val key: String, val roomId: String, val roomType: RoomTypePayload, val data: E, val dateTime: String) : Event<E>

Room environment conditions update event. In addition to a normal Event it has the roomId and the roomType to which the event refers.

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Module that wraps the possible keys for a RoomEvent.

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Interface that identify a data payload that is accepted inside a RoomEvent.

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Module that wraps all the RoomEvent data payloads.

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The type of the room described in the RoomEvent.