All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class that represent the base class for a CArtAgO boundary artifacts for an actuator placed inside a Room within the Operating Block.
Implementation of the actuator entity.
Presentation-related stuff for Azure Digital Twins about actuators.
Actuator identifier.
Interface that models the repository to manage Actuators.
Enum that describes all the actuators type.
Helper class to construct query for Azure Digital Twins service.
CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with an ambient light inside a room of the Operating Block.
Class that models the configuration loaded.
CArtAgO artifact to load the user-provided configuration of the automation management.
Interface that models a loader of Configuration.
CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with the hvac system of the operating block respect to the cooling part.
Custom light setup request event.
Interface that identify a data payload that is accepted inside a CustomLightRequestEvent.
CustomLightRequestEvent event payload that represent the request for a custom light setup in a specific operating room.
CustomLightRequestEvent event payload that represent the request to stop the custom management of lights in a specific operating room.
Digital Twin Manager that implements the repositories of the application.
An Actuator that can be dimmed.
Interface that models a dimmable artifact, that is an artifacts that offers method to set the intensity of it.
Interface that models an actuator invoker that ca be turned on with an intensity.
Class that models the data provided in the configuration.
Interface that models a generic event with no additional fields but only with a key, a payload data of type E and the dateTime of the event itself.
Interface that models an event deserializer.
Implementation of the EventDeserializer interface that allows an event to be deserialized from String.
Interface that models a manager that is able to obtain event from the external.
Interface that models a sender of events to external.
Interface that models an event serializer.
Implementation of the EventSerializer interface that allows an event to be serialized to String.
A ConfigurationLoader that loads the configuration via file.
CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with the hvac system of the operating block respect to the heating part.
Humidity payload for RoomEvent.
This class manage the Kafka client needed to consume events.
Luminosity payload for RoomEvent.
Describe a medical technology used inside the operating block.
Presentation-related stuff for Azure Digital Twins about medical technologies.
Medical Technology Automation Proposal event.
Medical Technology Automation request event.
Medical Technology update event.
Identification of a MedicalTechnology.
Interface that models the repository to manage Medical Technologies.
Class that models a medical technology scenario config.
The type of MedicalTechnology.
Type of medical technology that is involved in the MedicalTechnologyEvent.
MedicalTechnologyEvent event payload.
CArtAgO artifact that is responsible to observe the operating block and expose its data.
Class that model the environmental data of an operating room.
CArtAgO artifact that is responsible to send the automation proposals to the operating rooms.
Standby configuration for operating room.
Standby configuration for pre/post operating room.
Presence payload for RoomEvent.
Room environment conditions update event.
Interface that identify a data payload that is accepted inside a RoomEvent.
Room identifier.
The type of the room described in the RoomEvent.
Class that models the standby mode in the configuration.
CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with a surgical light inside an operating room of the Operating Block.
An Actuator that can be switched on and off.
Interface that models a switchable artifact, that is an artifacts that offers method to turn it on and off.
Interface that models an actuator invoker that can be turned on and off.
Temperature payload for RoomEvent.
CArtAgO artifact that is responsible for the communication with the hvac system of the operating block respect to the ventilation part.
Web of things client.
Web of Thing Invoker in order to be able to communicate with things and invoke actions.